BeHar – The redemption of humanity and earth
Chapter 25 of the Book of Leviticus and the first two verses of 26 make up this small parashah in its entirety, but it is one of the most...
BeHar – The redemption of humanity and earth
Emor – To sanctify the name of God
Kedoshim- Love of neighbor
Acharei Mot-The scapegoat
Shevi´i and Acharon of Pesach – The final redemption
Metzora - The impurity of the soul
Tazria – What makes a human being physically impure
Shemini-The laws of Kashrut
Tzav – Reparation and sacrifice
Vayikra - The meaning of sacrifice
Pekudei - Accountability
Vayakhel - The construction of the Sanctuary
Ki Tisa - Two forms of paganism
Tetzaveh - The eternal light
Terumah - The first temple of Israel
Mishpatim - The covenant
Yitro – Jethro. Between Israel and the peoples
Beshalach - The path to freedom
Bo - The perennial message of the plagues
Vaera - The Names of God